Art Director
Most pitches keep me up at night, but thankfully for me, this wasn’t one of them. To promote Pharmaton Balance, a new sleep aid that helps your brain relax at night, we created a fun campaign that brings your brain and its racing thoughts to life in a playful manner that I’m pretty sure we can all relate to.
Meet your new spokesman: Your consumers' own restless brain.
This lovably aggravating new character will be rendered in a Pixar-style CG (think Monsters Inc. or Finding Nemo), and throughout our campaign, it will be keeping people awake with its annoying but relatable, mile-a-minute thoughts.
The Brain’s antics will remind the public that what’s keeping them from good sleep is their own brains, and that Pharmaton Balance is the natural, scientifically proven way for them to quiet their racing thoughts and put their head to bed.
The Brain is a powerful character because wherever it appears, it will have a built-in demonstration of the advantages of Silexan. When the brain is restless and agitated, its behavior will suggest racing thoughts and overactive neurons. When we show the brain calmed down, under the influence of Silexan, its behavior will relax, and the brain itself will turn a cool, calm shade of lavender, indicating that the neurons have become less active.
Regular people aren’t the only ones who deal with a racing mind. In this series of commercials, we’ll have our racing brain talk and sound like the celebrity they’re connected to.
We place our restless spokes-brain in a rich media web banner, where he paces back and forth, jumps up and down, and kicks the edge of the frame. All the while, a series of racing, worrying thoughts scroll into the banner. After several seconds, a headline that reads “Click Here to Stop Your Racing Mind and Get to Sleep” appears in the banner.
When users land on a page like Yahoo!, they’ll be greeted by The Brain, who’s taken over the page. Wherever the user moves their cursor on the page, The Brain will follow, shouting annoying thoughts, grabbing at the cursor, and not allowing the user a moment’s peace. On the side of the page, a banner ad will say, “Click Here to Stop Your Racing Thoughts.” Once the users click on the banner, The Brain will relax and stop annoying them, and the bottle and banner tagline will pop up.
We create an app for mobile and desktop devices that gives users tips on how to maintain a healthy sleep cycle throughout the day, but especially towards bedtime. For example, if a user goes to check email on their iPad at 11:30 at night, their emails will at first appear blurred and illegible; a warning will pop up reminding them that checking emails too close to bedtime can make it harder to sleep, and asking them if they want to continue to their inbox.
We place thought bubble decals on the floors of retail locations. Each thought bubble contains a worrying thought, the sort of racing thought that keeps our target up at night. Like a trail of breadcrumbs, the worrying thoughts lead to a Balance display that features The Brain and the line: “When it’s Time to Sleep, Your Racing Mind Stops Here.”
We re-create on YouTube what our target already has: A brain that just won’t stop thinking. Our YouTube Live channel will broadcast The Brain pacing back and forth, 24 hours a day. As The Brain paces, he recites a stream-of-consciousness monolog about the funny thoughts that are going through his mind. Users can tune in to watch and listen to the brain. Every few minutes, a question box will pop up, asking viewers about something the brain has just said, or some fact he’s mentioned about Balance. If the viewer answers correctly, showing that they’re paying attention, they get a coupon for free Balance.